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单价: 0.16元/张
起订: 1000 张
供货总量: 100000 张
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 佛山市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-08-01 09:18
浏览次数: 1535



  Tattoo,With a fine pattern to the skin of a fashion stickers, it is the greatest feature which cater to the fashion display your personality and charm of you, it is fashionable for young men and women and children.
Features : security, make skin is cut off, and to design, color, rich and varied bright.
Use: the skin, crockery, etc, metal smooth, impervious surface, never fade, the simple diy
The product designs and styles. used in the skin, ears, such as nails on cosmetics and promotional gifts, decorations and children's toys and other popular color products. welcome to buy by your company, design or offer of help you!

Sticker with usage and characteristic:

1.Please clean and dry tattooed parts

2.Would like the cut and tear to the surface of tattoos sticker on the skin, with the water soaks into the wet

3.20 to 30 seconds on a light from the angle of paper and tear open, and proved design is all printed on the skin. if not, repeat the program 3 and 4. dry naturally, it has completed the transfer pattern

4.Airtight plastic up to the end of the role and protect the integrity and quality of training

5.Is nonpoisonous, harmless sticky tape without side effects, was not red skin itches, if not properly printed "tattoo", the skin can save a week, in other products to save a year to two years

6.Tattooed design want to go, but use hot water with a scrubbing or alcohol or bb oil ( soap can also ) on tatoos with the 10 seconds and wiping it

Of the material of import materials and sgs rohs, such as authentication and en71 make the content of reports. of high quality, high quality and environmental protection! style and clever collapsing seats, a design is its unique character of your smart choose. welcome customers old and new hope for talks over cooperation!

TEL :0757-82825483
FAX :0757-83655536
wangwang: ymray
QQ: 325915995
MSN: lianhuichen@hotmail.com
Home: http://www.yangmay.com

(1) paste, make sure the location of surface cleaning paste and clean.
(2) large sticker affixed when stripped from the corner office, the side of the paste while slowly peeling off the backing paper. In this process, if using a soft cloth to help heal the stickers better than the hand heal, to paste a more peaceful, less likely to bubble.
(3) If the paste does not care when posted wrinkles, carefully peel back from the paste, pay attention to strip from time to time so as not to damage the stickers do not pull hard

More product information contact me directly with the request




1. 阳美公司韩式墙贴系列为环保型产品,已通过法国 BV 测试 以及 SGS 测试,含铅总量低于 200PPM。【欧洲标准为含铅总量低于 1000PPM】
2. 背胶具有真正的可移除性能,真正做到不破坏乳胶漆墙面,并可再贴。
3. 阳美印刷胶粘公司旗下所有品牌的胶水,均为本公司与材料公司共同研发的独家专利产品。
4. 【此产品是根据中国墙面的测试结果,对国外乳胶漆墙面进行实验,也完全不破坏墙面。】
5. 不需要转帖膜,可随意粘贴.
6. 具有独特的胶面导气槽,在粘贴的时候可轻松排除贴纸与墙面间的气泡,也不会在黏贴到墙面长时间后因为温度变化而产生气泡。
7. 具有质感好,使用寿命长,不易退色,防水无毒无味,完全环保,而且底纸(离型纸)不会因受潮而卷曲。
8. 本产品可以粘贴在涂有乳胶漆的墙面、玻璃、瓷砖、冰箱、空调、橱柜、电脑、家具等光滑质感的材质表面,一般可用5年以上。同时具有易贴、反复粘贴不留残胶、耐磨、耐高温、不起泡等特点。
1. 本产品适用于乳胶漆墙面及其他光滑、洁净的表面
2. 请小心将转移膜连带图案从底纸揭下
3. 粘贴在选定的位置上,用刮卡向四周抹平挂掉墙贴与墙面之间的气泡,
4. 将转移膜撕下,如有走位可轻轻撕下重新调整后再贴

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