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2014-05-06 浏览次数:386 手机访问 使用手机“扫一扫”以下二维码,即可分享本文到“朋友圈”中。

April, the organizing committee of Guangzhou Buddhist Fair participated in related activities, do propaganda in professional market and fair around the country. We are working hard. We keep receive appreciation and support. We get a lot. There will be more focus in our fair. Expect it!
一.   第二批买家邀请函寄出,诚邀各地买家到会参观交流。
Article one---the second batch of invitations were sent to invite buyers around the world
In early April, we have sent the second batch of more than 100,000 invitations, aiming to invite famous master, dealers, professionals and Buddhists worshipers. Currently, we have received reply from buyers. We pre-registered and booked hotel for buyers. May, we will mail other invitation, not only improving the coverage, but also more focused on invitation of key areas and key buyers.
Article two--- Manufacturers of producing bases join us --- Yongchun incense industry
“永春香道 千年流香”,经过长期的沟通、跟进、联系,组委会在5月份专程前往中国香都——永春拜访各厂家,学习行业知识,了解市场信息。经过不懈的努力,成功邀请到永春香业各龙头企业组团进驻香博会。大大丰富了展会的主题和产品类别。随着展会的发展壮大,将会有更多的产业基地组团到会,也将吸引更多的专业买家共襄盛举——您,准备好了吗?
After a long communication, follow-up, and contact, we went to incense city---Yongchun, visiting the manufacturers, learning industry knowledge, and getting market information in May. Through efforts, we successfully invited leading enterprises of incense industry to settle in our fair, which is going to enrich the exhibition themes and product categories greatly. With the development of the fair, there will be more industrial base join us and will gather more buyers. Are you ready?
Article three--- Promotion, learning, communication in the production base of Putian, Zhanban and Chaozhou
Fujian Putian city craft
Quanzhou Zhang Sakamoto woodcarving Culture Street, Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou
Chaozhou Kaiyuan Temple and possessions Circulation Department, Buddha shop street, Fengxi Ceramic City, ceramic statues production base
四.   组委会派员到东北三省做展会宣传
Article four---We do promotion in Dongbei
Focus on the characters of Buddhist items markets in Dongbei, we do propaganda in professional market and temple, inviting distributors, wholesalers, Buddhist Association and temple master. We receive the warm reception from all supporters who insist that Guangzhou is a good platform and will gather Industry professionals to visit, purchase and exchange. We appreciate for the supports from all buyers.
(1)    辽宁沈阳专业市场、慈恩寺、大佛寺、般若寺
Shenyang professional market, Cien Temple, the largest Buddhist temple, Banruo Temple
(2)    吉林长春专业市场、慈航寺
Changchun professional market, Cihang Temple
Harbin professional markets, folk culture market, Jile Temple and Buddhist shop
四.   下期简讯预告:
Article five---The next brief letters
专业市场广告 Advertising in Professional market
广州市内各大广告画面 Major advertising screen in Guangzhou city
展会期间各大型活动 Various activities during the fair
Grateful to you for Support Guangzhou International Buddhist Items Fari!
Best Wish!
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