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2012-07-21 14:042464询价


【柠檬 】Lemon  疲惫时转换心情、改善烦躁不安,使头脑清晰、提精神。

【薰衣草】Lauender 舒缓神经、身心松弛,安抚心灵、促进睡眠 杀菌消炎的功效
【玫  瑰】Rose治疗情绪低落、抗忧郁、馨香宜人、促进荷尔蒙分泌,营造浪漫气氛, 提高性欲。

【茉  莉】Jasmine淡雅高洁的花香。神经系统的效用,使人愉悦,治疗皮肤发炎,可滋润各种皮肤,平衡荷尔蒙,增进精子数量及活动力,

【海  洋】Ocean味道清淡,带来清新海洋气息,稳定情绪,调节生理机能,平衡体内荷尔蒙.
 【草  莓】Strawberry缓解神经痛,舒解压力、降低血压,可去除老化细胞,提升身体活力。

【绿  茶】Green Tea 茶香宜人,收敛毛孔,改善皮肤湿疹,去头屑,舒畅身心 养心益气,增强抵抗力.

 【香草】Vanilla 清新香,甜而带有异国情调,使人镇定,消除焦虑,可以杀菌、消毒、驱虫,有的可调节中枢神经.

【水蜜桃】Peach水蜜桃   功效:劳芳心灵、开胃、促进食欲、带氧、杀菌、除异味、净化空气。

【 苹果】Apple芬芳心灵、开胃、促进食欲;带氧、杀菌、除异味、净化空气。


 客服Q Q:1508874070




Contact: Aileen Yang

Tel: 13202005820,13148924567
Customer Q Q: 1508874070








The scope of application major role in the fresh air, for a variety of home and public places, and products may work fine as a cheap and ideal for fine furnishings 
【1】 taste different products have different effects 
【2】 to remove the odor, clean the air! 
【3】 furnishings, collectibles, gifts, 

Lemon】 feeling tired conversion, improve irritability, clear the mind, put spirit. 

【Lavender】 Lauender soothing nerves, physical and mental relaxation, calm the mind and promote sleep bactericidal efficacy of anti-inflammatory 
【Rose】 treatment of depression, antidepressant, sweet and pleasant, and promote hormone secretion, to create a romantic atmosphere, increase sexual desire. 
Jasmine】noble and elegant floral Jasmine. Effectiveness of the nervous system, makes us happy, the treatment of skin inflammation of various skin moisture, balance hormones, improve sperm count and motility, 
【Ocean Marine】 taste light, bringing fresh ocean flavor, emotional stability, regulation of physiological function, balance the body hormones.
【Strawberry】 alleviate neuropathic pain, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, can remove aging cells, to enhance physical vitality. 
【Green Tea 】 pleasant, shrink pores, improve skin, eczema, dandruff, body and mind relaxed Yang Xin Qi, strengthen immunity. 
Vanilla】 fresh fragrant, sweet and exotic, people calm, eliminating anxiety, can sterilization, disinfection, insecticide, and some central nervous system can be adjusted.【Apple】 effect: L fragrant soul, appetizers, and promote appetite; withoxygen, sterilization and deodorization, air purification.
PeachEffect: Lo Fong mind, appetizer, appetizing, with oxygen, sterilization and deodorization, air purification.  


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